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Conference proceedings - IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society

Journal Volume: 1
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2009
Articles in SafetyLit: 22

A study of long term symptomatology reported in non-head-involved low voltage electrical contacts

Acoustic fall detection using one-class classifiers

An independent brain-computer interface based on covert shifts of non-spatial visual attention

Analysis of commode grab bar usage for the monitoring of older adults in the smart home environment

Automatic fall detection using wearable biomedical signal measurement terminal

Biomechanical model to assess injury reduction during impact

Decision support system for resource allocation in disaster management

Detection and prediction of drowsiness by reflexive eye movements

Evaluation of functional deficits and falls risk in the elderly - methods for preventing falls

Evaluation of the autonomic nervous system for fall detection

Every Newton Hertz: a macro to micro approach to investigating brain injury

Field deployable EEG monitor for nerve agent casualties

iFall: An android application for fall monitoring and response

Objective real-time assessment of walking and turning in elderly adults

Real time localization of victims at an emergency site: Architecture, algorithms and experimentation

Reconstruction and EMG-informed control, simulation and analysis of human movement for athletics: Performance improvement and injury prevention

Shear wave propagation in anisotropic soft tissues and gels

SHIMMER: A new tool for temporal gait analysis

Startle stimuli reduce the internal model control in discrete movements

Using microstate intensity for the analysis of spontaneous EEG: Tracking changes from alert to the fatigue state

Web based tool for resource allocation in multiple mass casualty incidents

Wireless physiological monitoring system for psychiatric patients